Carli's defense Son's guilt dead young

The former deputy Luiz Fernando Ribas Carli Son is accused of double homicide with eventual intent - when it assumes the risk of producing the result. For the first time, his three lawyers René Dotti, Roberto Brzezinski Neto and Gustavo Scandelari describe the progress of work and their version of the facts. They support the thesis that the accident was not caused by a failure of the former deputy, but because the vehicle, they were young Gilmar Rafael Souza Yared and Carlos Murilo de Almeida - dead at the time - have fallen short of a preferred route.

They use this argument to try to reverse the decision of the Paraná Court of Justice (ECJ-PR) to have the former deputy to the jury. On Thursday, they filed at TJ the extraordinary resources and especially the Supreme Court (STF) and the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), respectively. Now, it is up to the Vice President of the TJ-PR assess the resources for them to be sent to Brasilia, which will determine whether or not you Carli Son popular judgment.

The accident took place on May 7, 2009, between midnight and 1 am, when the lights were only with flashing yellow sign warning. Carli Son followed by the Street Monsignor Ivo Zanlorenzi with a car Passat and hit the Honda Fit, where the two young men were. The Fit was in Paul Gorski Street and made a left turn in Monsignor Ivo Zanlorenzi Street (highway) when he was hit by the Passat. Check out the main parts of the exclusive interview with People's Gazette:

Cause of the accident

The defense Carli Son defends the thesis that the former deputy was in preferred when the accident occurred. "I think the first point. It is undisputed, is that the right of way was his [Carli Son]. When the signal is intermittent, has a specific traffic rule that it is up to that coming from the right the right of way, "says Brzezinski.

According to the lawyer, a witness, who also semitruck by Paul Gorski Street when the accident occurred, said he saw the car of the former deputy with xenon headlights approaching and therefore not crossed the Ivo Zanlorenzi Street. The defense also claims that an expert has confirmed that the driver of the Honda Fit was able to realize the approach of the Passat vehicle. To Scandelari, blame the former deputy "is like blaming the accident the person who was in the green light, not that he was at a red light."

"Who is responsible for the accident? Not who had been drinking. Not who was supposed to speeding. Not who was deputy, who had imported car. It's who violated the preferred route, "says Dotti.


Brzezinski also remembers that right after the accident, some media outlets reported that a police officer would have seen the SIATE Carli vehicle speedometer caught in the 190 km / h. According to the lawyer, the military police of SIATE was heard in court and would have contradicted the publication. According to Brzezinski, he said, "Doctor, this is a lie. I saw the speedometer and was reset."

CNH exceeded with points.

For the defense, "this is an administrative issue and the cause of the accident was not this." According to Brzezinski, a person driving without a license is committing an administrative offense, but cannot be blamed for breaking a traffic rule. Scandelari also points out that the same situation applies to a person who drives drunk. They further contend that the deputy was not with suspended license and had the suspension, he was not disclosed. Brzezinski could not say whether Carli Son returned to driving.

Defense strategy

"Our goal is that it be treated as car accident, wrongful death," says Scandelari. "Traffic Crime like so many others. In fact, many cases of the court itself, with more than two victims have been treated as a traffic crime, even speeding and drunkenness, "argues Dotti.

Scandelari also pointed out that even if the jury skirt case, does not mean that the former deputy will go unpunished. "The law of traffic crime provides an appropriate penalty, 2-4 years-old [in prison], and you may still suffer compensation," he explains. "Now, if the penalty is low, which is that it [Carli Son] has to do with it?" It concludes Brzezinski.

Speed ​​of a case

The defense also questioned the "extreme fast as it has been judged the case from the start compared to others." "We are in favor of speed, but we also strongly support the principle of equality, equality, that cases are properly considered, calmly, carefully, not afogadilho" argues Brzezinski. Dotti says he does not remember a case decided so quickly.

How Carli Son sees the process?

According to Brzezinski, the former deputy is "very concerned because he is realizing that the situation is not being a normal situation."

Work Job

Scandelari also stressed that the former deputy, as a parliamentarian, was assiduous frequenter of the sessions in the Assembly and even proposed a bill for the vehicle owner who had not practiced traffic violation in the previous period had annual discount of Property Tax of Motor Vehicles (property taxes).

The lawyers also point out that, after giving up of Member of, Carli Son not stopped working. "He currently works in a company that deals through plywood," says Scandelari. The lawyer said Carli Son currently lives in o Paulo.

Source : gazetadopovo

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